Thursday, 20 December 2012

More cross-postery

Sex, religion and royalty: also dairy farming: post on the Wellcome Library blog about Lord Dawson's papers and his involvement in the moral panic of 1932 about condom vending machines. With pictures! 


A Different Kind of Nurse: Wellcome Library blog post about a notebook of lecture notes kept by a member of the Voluntary Aid Detachment, some time around World War I


And this isn't one of mine, but I wish it was: one of my colleagues connects Library holdings of the Krafft-Ebing papers and Sacher-Masoch's correspondence to The Velvet Underground: Shiny shiny, shiny boots of leather, managing to get sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll into a single post. Hats off!


I haven't yet managed to write up as a blog post my impressions of a newly catalogued manuscript recipe book from the early C19th century that could have belonged to the Starkadders of Cold Comfort Farm, but this may yet appear.


 On a rather different note, my annual round-up of reading highlights and other cultural pleasures of the year appeared on Ambling Along the Aqueduct. 


Wednesday, 5 December 2012


My article 'Articulating abortion in interwar Britain' is now out in Women's History Magazine, Issue 70, Autumn 2012: deploying material that has spent the best part of a decade going round conferences and seminars in various mutated versions, now published.

A post on the Wellcome Library blog Strangulation, sex and death, about the most recent additions to our holdings of the papers of the forensic pathologist Sir Bernard Spilsbury.