Sex, religion and royalty: also dairy farming: post on the Wellcome Library blog about Lord Dawson's papers and his involvement in the moral panic of 1932 about condom vending machines. With pictures!
A Different Kind of Nurse: Wellcome Library blog post about a notebook of lecture notes kept by a member of the Voluntary Aid Detachment, some time around World War I
And this isn't one of mine, but I wish it was: one of my colleagues connects Library holdings of the Krafft-Ebing papers and Sacher-Masoch's correspondence to The Velvet Underground: Shiny shiny, shiny boots of leather, managing to get sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll into a single post. Hats off!
I haven't yet managed to write up as a blog post my impressions of a newly catalogued manuscript recipe book from the early C19th century that could have belonged to the Starkadders of Cold Comfort Farm, but this may yet appear.
My article 'Articulating abortion in interwar Britain' is now out in Women's History Magazine, Issue 70, Autumn 2012: deploying material that has spent the best part of a decade going round conferences and seminars in various mutated versions, now published.
A post on the Wellcome Library blog Strangulation, sex and death, about the most recent additions to our holdings of the papers of the forensic pathologist Sir Bernard Spilsbury.